Where to Buy

Currently, The Foxes of Belair: Gallant Fox, Omaha, and the Quest for the Triple is available in both hardcover and eBook formats. Signed copies are also available for purchase. Use the links below to purchase Foxes of Belair in your preferred format.

Need more information about ordering the book or other topics? Feel free to email Jennifer at FoxesofBelair at gmail.com. For marketing inquiries, please contact Jackie Wilson (jackie.wilson@uky.edu) at the University Press of Kentucky.

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So Far in 2023…

Over the past three years, my work has expanded beyond writing books like Sir Barton and The Foxes of Belair. I have been fortunate to take on more work as a freelance writer, adding clients like America’s Best Racing, The Racing Biz, and TwinSpires Edge to my list of places to find me. I wanted to share what I have created so far this year as I count down to the publication of the book on Gallant Fox, Omaha, and William Woodward.

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